Isafjørd: Hjartastjaki

Zoals de naam doet vernoemen is Isafjørd een Scandinavische band, meer bepaald uit Ijsland. De naam van de band komt van de geboortestad van de vaders van de twee bandleden, niemand minder dan Adalbjorn Rtyvasson (Solstafir) en Ragnar Zolberg (Pain Of Salvation). Beide heren spelen dus ook in twee superbands, weliswaar in andere metal subgenres.

Aðalbjörn Addi Tryggvason and Ragnar Zolberg form new band.

Isafjørd, meaning literally fjord of ice, is a shining new ethereal Post-rock band from Iceland. Named after the town that both of their fathers came from, Ísafjörður, Aðalbjörn Addi Tryggvason (Sólstafir) and Ragnar Zolberg (Sign/x-Pain of Salvation) sculpt beautiful and desolate pop, as bright and dark as the sub-arctic seasons. Isafjørd’s new album “Hjartastjak” is

Spotlight on … Messa.

*When did you really get involved into music in general and into metal specific? Who was responsable for your interest in (metal) music? Probably the fascination to music in general derives from our parents and families. Speaking of metal, most of us came in contact with it thanks to musical suggestions from friends when we