Prophecy Fest is er dit jaar op 7, 8 en 9 september.

Prophecy Fest, het Duitse metal festival georganiseerd door het befaamde label Prophecy Productions, is er dit jaar op 7, 8 en 9 september. Helaas voor elkeen die nog geen ticket bemachtigde is het festival reeds enkele weken compleet uitverkocht. Wij, van MUSIKA, vertoeven er heel graag. Het festival gaat nu al ettelijke jaar door in

Tenhi: Valkama

Met ‘Valkama’ is het Finse Tenhi aan zijn zesde full-album toe. Tenhi werd in 1996 opgestart door Tyko Saarikko (vocals, gitaar, harmonium and piano). Korte tijd later kwam daar Ilmari Issakainen (gitaar, piano, drums, bass, backing vocals) bij en sinds dan vormt dit tweetal echt wel het kloppende hart van Tenhi, een woord dat zoveel

Silence In The Snow unveil video single of the title-track taken from the forthcoming new album “Ghost Eyes.

Silence In The Snow reveal a video clip of the title-track taken from the Californian dark wave duo’s forthcoming new album “Ghost Eyes”, which is slated for release on September 22, 2023. Silence In The Snow: ‘Ghost Eyes’ taken from the album “Ghost Eyes”: Silence In The Snow comment: “After relocating to the forest,

1476 release lyric visualiser of ‘When Comes the Dawn?’ and unveil details of new album.

1476 are now revealing the lyric visualiser ‘When Comes the Dawn?’, which is also the first single taken from Salem’s wayward occult rockers’ forthcoming album “In Exile”, which is slated for release on July 7, 2023. 1476 ‘When Comes the Dawn?’ taken from the album “In Exile”: 1476 comment: “The track ‘When Comes the

Fen release video of ‘Scouring Ignorance’ and unveil details of new album.

Fen are now unleashing the fierce video clip ‘Scouring Ignorance’, the first single-track taken from the East Anglian’s forthcoming album “Monuments to Absence”, which is scheduled for release on July 7, 2023. Watch ‘Scouring Ignorance’ at Fen comment: “We originally wanted to pen a piece from a perspective of strength and self-actualization, addressing the

Xasthur release video of title track and unveil details of new double-album “Inevitably Dark”

Xasthur are now revealing the video clip of the title track and first single taken from the forthcoming double-album “Inevitably Dark”, which is slated for release on June 23, 2023. The American stylistically highly diverse act instigated by multi-instrumentalist Scott Conner has created a kaleidoscopic double-album that is ranging from acid folk to black metal.

Tenhi unveil lyric video single ‘Saattue’ and details of new album “Valkama”.

From a decade of twilight, Finnish dark folk ensemble Tenhi return to the light with a lyric video for the new track ‘Saattue’ (“Convoy”) as the first single taken from their forthcoming album “Valkama” (“Harbour”/”Shelter”), which has been slated for release on June 9, 2023. Please see below for album details. The sombre lyric video