Venus Principle reveal first video single ‘Rebel Drones’ and details of debut album “Stand in Your Light”.

Venus Principle are now premiering the video clip ‘Rebel Drones’ as the first single taken from the dark psychedelic rockers’ debut full-length “Stand in Your Light”, which has been slated for release on May 27. Biographical information and all details about the British-Swedish outfit’s first album can be viewed below. The melancholic black & white

ARÐ: Take Up My Bones

ARÐ is een nieuw doom project van Mark Deeks die sommigen ongetwijfeld wel kennen van het black metal gezelschap Winterfylleth. In het Oud Engelse dialect van de Britse Northumbrië betekent het woord zo iets als “vaderland”. Met deze ‘Take Up My Bones’ zorgt Mark voor zijn debuut, een debuut dat al meteen een concept album

Darkher unveil first single ‘Lowly Weep’ and details of new album “The Buried Storm”.

Darkher are now premiering the track ‘Lowly Weep’ as the first single taken from the beloved Northern English doom act’s sophomore album “The Buried Storm”, which has been slated for release on April 15. The details of Darkher‘s second full-length can be viewed below. You will find the video clip for ‘Lowly Weep’ at

Eight Bells release first single ‘Nadir’.

Eight Bells are now revealing the volcanic video single ‘Nadir’ taken from their forthcoming new album “Legacy of Ruin”, which is slated for release on February 25, 2022. The avant-garde doom project from Portland, Oregon conceived by guitarist and singer Melynda Jackson has also unveiled cover art, tracklist, and further details of their new full-length