Katatonia: Sky Void of Stars.

“Melancholy at its best! Already one of the best Doom albums 2023!“ (EMP) “Another heartfelt offensive by KATATONIA” (Metal Hammer, DE) Katatonia orbit the musical universe with Sky Void of Stars. Meritorious masters of melancholic metal Katatonia carry on their legacy of rearranging the order of the heavy music universe, proudly presenting their hauntingly beautiful

Feuerschwanz: Todsünden.

The sinful cover album by Feuerschwanz – feat. “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” (Abba Cover), “Warriors Of The World United” (Manowar Cover) and more! Raise your horns to the newest Feuerschwanz album! Following their most recent, successful #1 charting album, Memento Mori, German medieval folk rockers Feuerschwanz are back with more mischief and a surprise for their

Feest in De Mast op 28 januari!

Op zaterdag 28 januari krijgen liefhebbers van power metal een uitstekende gelegenheid om volledig uit de bol te gaan, althans diegene die een kaartje hebben kunnen bemachtigen, want deze party is ondertussen volledig uitverkocht. In De Mast te Torhout worden dan immers vier toppers in aanstekelijke “happy” metal aangekondigd, vier bands die er stuk voor

Pagan & Folk Metal Giants Heidevolk Return With New Album, Wederkeer.

Five years since the release of their much-acclaimed album, Vuur Van Verzet, February 24, 2023 will see Dutch folk metal collective Heidevolk return with their seventh studio album on Napalm Records – continuing to keep the pagan flame burning! Ever since their impressive 2005 debut, De strijdlust is geboren, Heidevolk has taken the heavy music