Xasthur release video of title track and unveil details of new double-album “Inevitably Dark”

Xasthur are now revealing the video clip of the title track and first single taken from the forthcoming double-album “Inevitably Dark”, which is slated for release on June 23, 2023. The American stylistically highly diverse act instigated by multi-instrumentalist Scott Conner has created a kaleidoscopic double-album that is ranging from acid folk to black metal.

Austere unleash first single ‘Sullen’ taken from forthcoming new album “Corrosion of Hearts”.

Austere have unveiled a sinister video for the epic opening track ‘Sullen’ as the first and only single taken from the black metal duo’s forthcoming new full-length “Corrosion of Hearts”. The band from Wollongong in Australia’s east coast state New South Wales will release their third album on April 28, 2023. Austere ‘Sullen’, taken from

Fortíð: Dómur um dauðan hvern (ep)

Liefhebbers van blackened pagan metal / Viking metal, gelieve nu de oren te spitsen of minimum verder te lezen. Wij, van MUSIKA, geloven er rotsvast in: Fortíð wordt een absolute topper in dit (sub)genre! Fortíð ontstond in 2002 in Kópavogur (ijsland). Na twee full-albums verhuisde mastermind en bandleider Eldur naar Noorwegen zonder dat dit het

Tchornobog announce split-LP with Abyssal.

Tchornobog announce a split-album with their British musical counterpart and brother-in-spirit ABYSSAL. Both bands contribute a single track of epic duration around 24 minutes each. The blackened US death doom outfit will release the split on November 25. Excerpts of both songs have been released in a single track, which is now available at: https://youtu.be/3cbLnfidOHY

Imha Tarikat release first video single and details of new album.

Imha Tarikat unveil the pro-shot video clip ‘Radical Righteousness’ as the first single taken from the spectacular forthcoming album “Hearts Unchained – At War with a Passionless World”. The new full-length from the German black metal outfit around mastermind Kerem Yilmaz aka Ruhsuz Cellât has been scheduled for release on December 2. Album details of

Valborg release video single ‘Hektor’ taken from forthcoming new album “Der Alte”.

Take that humans! Valborg are offering a short, sharp glimpse of their industrial side, driven by a chugging MOTÖRHEAD groove with the new video single ‘Hektor’, which is taken from the German sludge monster’s forthcoming album “Der Alte” (“The Old One”) that has been scheduled for release on September 9. Album details are presented below.