Living Gate to release debut full-length ‘Suffer As One On’ October 25th.

Living Gate – featuring Aaron Rieseberg (YOB,) Lennart Bossu (Oathbreaker, Amenra), Wim Coppers (Oathbreaker, Wiegedood), and Levy Seynaeve (Wiegedood) – surfaces from the underground to release their debut full length, Suffer As One, on October 25th through Relapse Records. The record stands among 2024’s most unrelenting, old-school death metal records. In advance of the record’s

Living Gate sign to Relapse and announce debut Deathlust EP.

Living Gate make their Relapse Records debut with the Deathlust EP coming June 12th. Living Gate, featuring Aaron Rieseberg (YOB), Lennart Bossu (Oathbreaker, Amenra), Wim Coppers (Oathbreaker, Wiegedood) and Levy Seynaeve (Amenra, Wiegedood) is an international group of critically acclaimed musicians that was spawned over a shared interest and sincere admiration for a bygone era

Maand mei = festival maand!?

In mei mogen liefhebbers van festivals stevig in de portemonnee tasten en een duidelijk uitgestippelde route volgen. De grote (zomer)festivals lopen steevast met de meeste aandacht weg, maar een heel aantal kleinere festivals, zeker in België, zijn de moeite waard om te volgen. Sommigen hebben hun huiswerk (affiche) al volledig af, anderen laten nog niet