Everdawn: Sensory Records signs New Jersey Symphonic Metal Act.

Progressive metal powerhouse Sensory Records welcomes New Jersey’s Everdawn to their roster. The label has signed the band for the upcoming release of their Dan Swanö-mastered second album, Cleopatra. Everdawn was originally created in March 2014 under the moniker Midnight Eternal, when Richard Fischer and Boris Zaks (both of Operatika) invited Daniel Prestup (Rivera Bomma,

Een bericht van vzw Rock ‘n Load Concerts.

“Fellow thrashers, punks and hardcore kids! We all know what is happening right now, so let’s keep it short! – Oilsjt Omploft 2020 will be postponed to SATURDAY 20/03/2021. – Re-confirmed bands are Onslaught, Wolfbrigade, Xentrix, Victims, Bleakness, Bütcher, Reproach, Speed Queen and Bezette Stad. – We are still waiting for final re-confirmation from Doom

IT’sALIE sign with ROAR! Rock Of Angels Records.

IT’sALIE is a new rock band heading from Venice, Italy to the world. The band features one of the most ambitious rock singers of today Giorgia Colleluori, plus the most respected rockers of the Italian music scene – guitarist Raffaello Indri (Elvenking), drummer Camillo Colleluori (Ex-Eternal Idol) and bassist Simon Dredo (Alex De Rosso Band,