We mourn the death of Alexi Laiho.

One of the most renowned guitarists in the world, Alexi Laiho, has passed away. The musician, most notably known as the front man of Children Of Bodom, died in his home in Helsinki, Finland, last week. Laiho had suffered from long-term health issues during his last years. Alexi Laiho and drummer Jaska Raatikainen founded Children

Eindejaarlijstjes 2020.

2020 was door corona een heel eigenaardig jaar. We zagen dat een pak album releases werden uitgesteld in de hoop op betere tijden. Geen enkele band kon zijn product extra in de verf zetten middels een concert tournee. Ook wij van MUSIKA, vielen bij momenten in een donker zwart gat: geen concerten, geen festivals, geen

Awaken Series: Dutch thrash metal band Spiralsea reissue album Essence.

Dutch Thrash Metal From The 80s! Spiralsea is a Dutch Thrash Metal band from Groningen, founded in 1989. The guys released a 3-track demo in 1991. At that time, they had already begun to challenge more technical and progressive music. In 1993, Spiralsea finally released their debut full-length album Essence. The album contained some amazing

Awaken Series: Australian progressive thrash Metal legends Bezerker reissue album Lost.

Legendary Progressive Thrash Metal from Australia. Bezerker was founded in 1988 in Adelaide, South Australia. They recorded their debut album Lost in December 1989 after frequent gigging. Lost was finally released in the vinyl format on October 22, 1990. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of this great album, Awakening Records will officially reissue

Seraina Telli: Remember You.

Onlangs kregen we volgend nieuwsberichtje in onze bus: “Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present the debut single of Dead Venus and ex- Burning Witches front singer Seraina Telli: Remember You! Let us hear what you think about it! :). Remember You is a song about loss, and how it hurts when a friend or a