Heilung release first track and album details of ‘Futha’.

Heilung are now streaming the very first track taken from their upcoming album ‘Futha’, which will be released on June 28, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PBo83bPyOE&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=Season+of+Mist+Press&utm_campaign=9b443edd13-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2016_12_09_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_571727d087-9b443edd13-205668333 The band comments: “‘Norupo’ is based on the poem known as ‘the Norwegian rune poem’. The poem was preserved in a 17th-century copy of a now lost 13th-century manuscript. The Norwegian rune

Bloody Hammers: new album to be released this summer!

Is it Halloween yet? Silly question, it’s Halloween all year round for Bloody Hammers! As special gift and horrific surprise they deliver their fifth studio album entitled The Summoning on June 26th 2019 via Napalm Records! Halloween comes earlier this year! The U.S. duo has prepared a wonderfully creepy horror musical experience that pays homage

Ost+Front naar De Verlichte Geest te Roeselare.

Het Duitse Ost+Front is op vrijdag 17 mei te gast in De Verlichte Geest te Roeselare. Dit gezelschap is een vertegenwoordiger van wat we Neue Deutshe Härte noemen en mag je zodoende vergelijken met het grote boegbeeld in het genre: Rammstein. Ost+Front werd in 2008 opgestart en zorgt dus voor een kruisbestuiving van gothic metal,

Two signings with Underground Symphony Records.

Underground Symphony is proud to announce the signing with the Italian metal band Chaos Factory for the release of their debut album “Horizon”. The project Horizon is a concept album composed by 2 CDs. Horizon has been designed and structured to transport the listener into a journey through the mechanics that characterize the human being.